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Diabetes & 甲状腺(内分泌)



谷采取全面的,团队的方法来管理Diabetes和甲状腺疾病. Our endocrinologists partner with patients and their primary care providers to help patients take charge of their health and achieve a better quality of life. 我们的目标是通过治疗来阻止或减缓疾病的进展, 教育和生活方式优化. 我们还提供Diabetes教育,这是许多保险计划所涵盖的. Our Diabetes educators and dietitians can help you learn how to live well with Diabetes - 点击这里了解更多!

An endocrinologist is a specially trained doctor who can diagnose diseases that affect your glands. They know how to treat conditions that are often complex and involve many systems within your body. Your primary-care physician refers you to an endocrinologist when you have a problem with your endocrine system.

内分泌系统是一组复杂的腺体. 腺体是产生激素的器官. 这些物质有助于控制你体内的活动. 不同类型的激素控制着生殖, 新陈代谢(食物燃烧和废物消除)和生长发育. 荷尔蒙还控制着你对周围环境的反应, and they help to provide the proper amount of energy and nutrition your body needs to function. 组成内分泌系统的腺体包括甲状腺, 甲状旁腺, 胰腺, 卵巢, 睾丸, 肾上腺, 垂体和下丘脑.

Endocrinologists are trained to diagnose and treat hormone imbalances and problems by helping to restore the normal balance of hormones in your system. 他们照顾许多条件,包括:

  • Diabetes
  • 甲状腺疾病
  • 代谢紊乱
  • 肾上腺疾病
  • 荷尔蒙分泌过多或不足
  • 更年期
  • 骨质疏松症
  • 高血压(高血压)
  • 胆固醇(脂质)紊乱
  • 缺乏生长(身材矮小)
  • 内分泌腺的癌症

Endocrinologists also conduct basic research to learn the way glands work and clinical research to learn the best methods to treat patients with a hormone imbalance. Through research, endocrinologists develop new drugs and treatments for hormone problems.


Diabetes教育 & 营养

十大正规网赌软件提供营养学家和认证Diabetes教育 & 护理专家(CDCES)在几个生活方式医学地点, 包括兰, 卡温顿和枫树谷. We provide a full complement of education and services focused on prevention and management to halt or slow progression of disease. 我们为Diabetes前期患者服务, 妊娠期Diabetes患者和1型和2型Diabetes患者.

Diabetes是一种复杂的疾病,需要日常自我管理, 选择健康的食物, 保持身体活动, 监测你的血糖并按医嘱服药. 定期与你的Diabetes护理团队讨论解决问题也很重要, 减少并发症的风险,改变生活方式.

Successful self-management will help you feel better and can reduce your chance of developing complications including heart disease, 牙病, 眼睛疾病, 肾脏疾病, 神经损伤和下肢截肢.

Diabetes的管理有时会让你感到难以应付,就像你管理食物一样, 体育活动, 同时进行血糖监测和药物治疗. 经历恐惧、愤怒或压力并不罕见. Our team of Registered Dietitians and Diabetes Educators can partner with you and help you navigate barriers along the way. 

这个项目 是为了帮助你学会如何照顾自己, 指导你完成治疗,帮助你克服恐惧, 你在路上遇到的问题.

Our Diabetes program consists of three weekly group education classes available in-person or online. 完成系列课程后, individuals are scheduled for a 1:1 visit with the registered dietitian to personalize their nutrition and lifestyle goals. 我们还通过每月的Diabetes支持小组提供持续的支持.


Diabetes是一种代谢紊乱,胰腺产生很少或没有胰岛素, 导致血糖升高.

最常见的症状是尿频, 视力模糊, 无法愈合的伤口, 频繁的感染, 口渴和慢性疲劳. If you have these symptoms or a family history of Diabetes, see your doctor for a blood test.

Type 1 Diabetes (about 10 percent of people with Diabetes) is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the cells of the 胰腺 that produce insulin. Type 2 Diabetes (about 80 to 90 percent of persons with Diabetes) is a progressive chronic disease that affects insulin production and utilization. Generally, individuals who have Type 2 Diabetes still produce insulin, though not as efficiently.  

Medical treatment centers on controlling blood sugar as well as preventing and monitoring for complications. Teaching people how to manage their Diabetes and regular follow-up with their healthcare provider is essential for long-term wellness. People learn to monitor their blood sugar and are treated medically for blood sugar control. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require insulin injections for blood sugar control and ultimately for their survival. Persons with Type 2 Diabetes may be able to control blood sugar by making lifestyle changes and/or through oral medications. Insulin may be required depending on the person’s ability to manage their blood sugar by other means.  

1型Diabetes通常表现在儿童和青少年时期, 尽管它可能发生在生命周期的任何时候. 2型Diabetes以前被称为成人发病Diabetes. 我们现在看到2型Diabetes在所有年龄段都有表现,甚至在儿童中.  

Diabetes有哪些并发症, 提供者如何监控这些并发症?
Complications associated with Diabetes include increased risk for heart disease and stroke, 损害眼睛和肾脏的小血管, 以及对神经系统的损害. Persons with Diabetes should see their healthcare provider regularly, every 3 to 6 months. 病人 are monitored for blood sugar and blood pressure control and evaluated and/or treated for underlying cardiovascular disease. 每年进行的检查或检查包括散瞳视力检查, 脚考试, 血液中胆固醇, 还有尿检来监测肾脏的变化.  

一种叫做糖化血红蛋白的血液测试用于确定血糖控制情况. This test measures the percentage of hemoglobin (a blood protein) that has sugar or glucose attached. The higher the percentage, the higher the blood sugar has been over the previous 2 to 3 months. The results more closely reflect blood sugar levels occurring within the month prior to the blood draw.  

How can individuals with Diabetes decrease their risk of developing the complications associated with Diabetes?
遵循健康的生活方式可以降低患心脏病和中风的风险. Blood sugar and blood pressure control play an important role in significantly reducing the risk of complications. One of the most important things individuals with Diabetes can do is to become educated about managing their Diabetes. 生活方式药 at 十大正规网赌软件 offers classes that empower individuals to make lifestyle choices that will promote their health and well-being.  

Typically most insurance companies cover Diabetes education to some extent if the deductible has been met. We recommend that you check with your insurance company to verify coverage of Diabetes education classes. 

See your family medicine doctor, who will test your fasting blood sugar or random blood sugar levels.  

除了吃药, 你可以通过自我教育来降低血糖水平, 选择健康的食物, 增加活动水平, 降低压力水平.



  • 认证Diabetes教育 & 护理专家(CDCES)
  • 注册营养师(注册营养师)
  • Diabetes教育工作坊
  • 妊娠Diabetes教育
  • 把资源和材料带回家
  • 个别预约,定期跟进
  • 对社区资源的建议
  • 获得运动专家和理疗师的咨询
  • 了解你的药物是如何起作用的,以及如何安全地使用它们


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